Our company has a wide experience in technical tasks aimed at solving problems with quality of process in regard to not the most modern equipment fleet for metallurgical and metalworking production. A number of companies have significantly increased the efficiency and effectiveness of their production facilities after the implementation of our developments.
The point is that innovative up-to-date lubricants and coolants allow to increase considerably the efficiency of processes and productions, which traditionally function on the basis of obsolete lubricants.
Undoubtedly, it is impossible to develop and produce up-to-date, multicomponent lubricant or coolant meeting the latest requirements for antifriction, anticorrosion, bactericidal, economic and operational properties at the price of old lubricant based on oil with graphite, phosphates of various types or salts, which are still used in domestic metalworking. Their use is accompanied by the emission of smoke, burning, low quality of the product surface, low tool life, chloride residues on the surface and, as a consequence, high surface corrosion, including focal corrosion. However, as practice shows, anyone who turned to our company to solve the problems associated with the use of these materials, not only did not see their production costs increase but also witnessed cost-effectiveness that was many times higher than the costs due to the increase in the durability of tools and the reduction of the quantity of rejects.

The company traditionally competes with the world's leading manufacturers in this field, where the level of technical tasks and demands are initially high and require not only the use of modern knowledge, materials and equipment, but also an innovative approach and thinking. Research and Production Enterprise POLIHIM, OOO, having preserved and increased the scientific potential, experience of implementation, ideas and developments, continues to develop and produce new high-performance coolants and lubricants that are not inferior to the best world products. We also actively participate in import substitution programs in accordance with our customers' technical requirements.