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{"RU":"Металлургическая промышленность","EN":"Metallurgical industry"}
Metallurgical industry
As per the ingredients
By industry
By designation
All products
Water and graphite lubricants and coolants
Oil-based and graphite lubricants and coolants
Water and water emulsion lubricants and coolants
Oil lubricants and coolants
Process media
Pipe and tube production
Metallurgical industry
Mechanic engineering
Automobile industry
Hot forging
Cold stamping
Anti-corrosion protection
Cold metalworking
Aluminum casting into casting molds
Aluminum injection casting
Hot rolling
Hot drawing
Hot pipe-end upset
Water and graphite lubricants and coolants
Politren V-1
Politren V-2
Politren V-3
Politren V-5
Politren V-6
Politren V-31
Politren SV-2
Politren SV-3
Politren E-21
Politren E-22
Politren E-41
Oil-based and graphite lubricants and coolants
Politren М
Politren М-5
Politren -7
Politren М-9
Politren M-10
Politren М-12
Water and water emulsion lubricants and coolants
Politren E-42 V
Politren E-50
Politren ET
Politren ET-1
Oil lubricants and coolants
Politren М-3
Politren М-3 А
Politren M-3 A5
Politren М-3 V
Politren M-150
Politren МG-4
Politren МR
Politren МR-S
Politren MR-ST-2
Process media
Politren VEA-1
Politren D
Politren DF-1
Politren DF-2
Politren DF-3
Politren DF-5
Politren KS-3
Politren MD
Politren С
Politren SPF-1
Politren SPF-2
Politren SPF-3
Politren TL-4
Политрен ЛС
Политрен АВ-5
Политрен ЛС-1
Politren V-1
Smoke-free water and graphite coolant is for the lubrication of bars, cores and pipe blanks during hot drawing in the process of manufacturing of short radius bends of steel pipes. It has high separation and antifriction properties, removes scale
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Политрен АВ-5/2
Politren V-2
It is used for application on molding tools (dies) at hot deformation of steels and alloys on presses, hammers and automatic lines
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Политрен АВ-6
Politren V-3
Politren V-5
Smoke-free water and graphite coolant for hot drawing and stamping of steels, including high-chromium, high-alloy and stainless steels
Politren V-6
Политрен В-24
Политрен АМ-5
Politren V-31
Specially prepared graphite suspension in aqueous liquid phase containing surfactants, anticorrosive and other additives
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Политрен АМ-7
Политрен В-40
Политрен В-301
Политрен В-403
Политрен АМ-8
Политрен АМ-9
Politren VEA-1
Политрен Э-25
Политрен Графитол
Politren D
Reactive process lubricant. It is used for operations related to deep deformation of carbon steel, including pipe drawing
Политрен Д-1
Политрен Д-2
Politren М
Process lubricant; it is used for lubrication of moulding tools (punches) for hot stamping of steels and copper alloys; it is a graphite oil suspension with additives
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Politren М-5
Process lubricant used to lubricate tools for hot stamping of copper alloys, including hot pressing of brass
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Politren -7
Politren М-9
It is used for lubrication of new mandrels for hot rolling of pipes, for hot forging of steels and alloys, for hot pressing of aluminium and copper alloys
Politren M-10
Politren DF-1
It is used to deoxidize scale and as a lubricant for hot rolling of pipes and wheels
Politren М-12
Lubricant concentrate based on specially prepared graphite of certain dispersibility, mineral oil, surfactants and additives for general and special purposes. It does not contain any harmful phenol derivatives, organic chlorine compounds or nitrites. It is used for hot stamping of steels and alloys, for hot pressing of copper alloys
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Политрен М-51
Политрен М-91
Политрен М-501
Politren DF-2
It is used to deoxidize scale and as a lubricant for hot rolling of pipes and wheels
Политрен М-503
Politren М-3
Process lubricant used for lubrication of casting molds for aluminum ingots, it significantly exceeds the efficiency of cylinder oil 52
Politren DF-3
It is used to deoxidize scale and as a lubricant for hot rolling of pipes and wheels
Politren М-3 А
Process lubricant used for lubrication of casting molds for aluminum ingots with automatic lubrication of the casting mold. It can be used instead of a number of imported lubricants, including Pyrotek's Perlube2
Политрен ДФ-4
Politren DF-5
It is used to deoxidize scale and as a lubricant for hot rolling of pipes and wheels
Politren M-3 A5
Политрен ДФ-9
Политрен М-3 А20
Политрен ДФ-14
Политрен М-3 А51
Politren М-3 V
Process lubricant based on oils, thickeners and additives. It is used to lubricate tools when rolling aluminium strip
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Политрен ДФ-51
Politren KS-3
Политрен М-3 С
Политрен КС-8
Политрен М-33
Политрен М-35
Политрен КС-85
Politren M-150
Политрен КС-86
Политрен КС-211
Политрен М-150/14
Политрен КС-212
Политрен М-154
Политрен КС-216
Политрен М-156
Политрен ЛСФ-5
Политрен М-157В
Политрен МАЭ-1
Политрен М-159
Politren MD
Fully synthetic water-soluble liquid consisting of surfactants, a complex of corrosion inhibitors and additives; it does not contain harmful nitrites, glycols, phenol, chlorine compounds
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Политрен М-160
Политрен М-164Н
Политрен МД-1
Politren SV-2
Smoke-free water and graphite coolant. It is used for lubrication of mandrels and drawbars in the process of hot rolling of steel pipes, it removes scale. It is used for hot forging of steel, hot pipe-end upset, wheel hot rolling; It is supplied as a concentrate to be diluted with tap water before use
Политрен М-167
Политрен МД-2
Politren SV-3
Политрен М-168
Политрен МД-4
Politren E-21
A concentrate of water-mixed coolants based on oil, emulsifiers, anticorrosive additives and solid filler
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Политрен МД-5
Политрен М-169
Politren E-22
A concentrate of water-mixed coolants based on oil, emulsifiers, anticorrosive additives and solid filler
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Политрен М-174
Politren E-41
It is used for hot steel pipe-end upset, rolling, hot forging, cold work for welded pipes
Политрен ПЛ
Политрен М-175
Политрен Э-412
Politren С
Dry concentrate. It is used for hot rolling of pipes
Политрен М-179
Политрен М-180
Политрен С-24
Politren E-42 V
Concentrate of emulsion water-mixed universal coolant based on mineral oil, emulsifiers, antifriction, anti-corrosion and other additives; it does not contain harmful nitrites, glycols, boric acid and phenol derivatives, secondary amines and amides, nitrates, organic chlorine compounds
Политрен М-182
Политрен СКН - 1
Политрен М-1000
Политрен СКН – 2
Politren E-50
Политрен М-1010
Политрен СКН-11
Политрен Э-61
Политрен Э-90
Политрен М-1011
Политрен СКН – 115
Политрен Э-221
Политрен М-1015
Политрен Э-251
Politren SPF-1
Политрен М-1016
Политрен Э-291
Politren SPF-2
Политрен М-1020
Политрен Э-292
Politren SPF-3
Политрен МБК
Политрен Э-500
Политрен МР А2
Политрен МБК-5
Политрен СПФ – 315
Политрен Э-510
Политрен МВ-150
Политрен Э-611
Politren TL-4
Политрен МВ-550
Политрен Э-614
Политрен ХП-15
Политрен ЭВ-2
Политрен МВ-6000
Политрен ХП-17
Политрен ЭВ-3
Политрен МВ-7000
Политрен ЭВ-13
Политрен Э-51
Politren ET
It is used for molds in aluminium pressure die casting on extruders and automatic facilities
Политрен МГ-2
Политрен ЭТ-9
Politren ET-1
Politren МG-4
Process lubricant for lubrication of rods and separate sections of molds, where scuffings and prereduction are observed in the process of aluminium pressure die casting; it is a composition containing oils, thickeners, extreme pressure antifriction additives and other additives
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Политрен ЭТ-618
Политрен ЭТ-17
Политрен МГ-6
Политрен ЭТ-154
Политрен МН-2
Политрен МН-3
Политрен МП-1
Politren МR
Oil coolant based on mineral oil and a complex of antifriction, extreme pressure, detergent, dispersing and other additives. The coolant is multi-functional, increases the durability of cutting tools, smoothness of the product surface, speed of processing; it has a reduced formation of oil mist and smoke, reduced level of specific smell
Политрен МР-1
Политрен МР А12
Политрен МР А18
Politren МR-S
Oil coolant based on mineral oil and a complex of antifriction, extreme pressure, detergent, dispersing and other additives. The coolant is multi-functional, increases the durability of cutting tools, smoothness of the product surface, speed of processing; it has a reduced formation of oil mist and smoke. It is used for non-ferrous steels and alloys in a wide range of cutting, pressing and grinding modes
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Politren MR-ST-2
Политрен МР-СТ-3
Политрен СК-1
Политрен ХП-1
Политрен ХП-2
Политрен ХП-16
Used in processes
Hot forging
Cold stamping
Anti-corrosion protection
Cold metalworking
Aluminum casting into casting molds
Aluminum injection casting
Hot rolling
Hot drawing
Hot pipe-end upset
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